The WaterCell bladder is manufactured from recyclable polyethylene to USFDA and EC compliance for food contact and drinking water.
The Vision Water WaterCellâ„¢ is preserving and conserving the environment by significantly reducing mains water use and peak flow stormwater runoff for every property where it is installed.
Vision Water has been recognised by industry leaders for the development of WaterCellâ„¢, a truly sustainable rainwater harvesting system for all types of buildings.
Immediate implementation of watercell technology will simultaneously ease the demand on the existing centralised water supply system
The Water Cell can also be used as a OSD (Onsite Stormwater Detension) solution.
The Water Cell can store over 64,000 litres of rainwater under the floor of a conventional family home
Millions of litres of rainwater is wasted every time it rains.
The watercell is contained within the building footprint and the components are accessible, serviceable, maintainable, replaceable, recyclable and affordable.
The WaterCell bladder is manufactured from recyclable polyethylene to USFDA and EC compliance for food contact and drinking water.
One of our Water Cell case study developments located in Sydney has been fully self sustainable from Sydney Water for over 12 months, including drinking water!
Watercell technology delivers a potable water supply at a reasonable and sustainable cost to all buildings ? not just houses.
There is more than enough rainwater if collected for an average home to be fully self sustainable
Vision Water can design water harvesting solutions into any new development!
The average home uses between 2000 & 4000 litres of water per week.
Immediate implementation of watercell technology will extend the life of existing stormwater infrastructure
Immediate implementation of watercell technology will deliver an immediate clean water supply for that project
Coastal NSW is not in a drought - We have recieved the 30 year average rainfall for the last six years!
Immediate implementation of watercell technology will significantly reduce the cost of new stormwater infrastructure in perpetuity
The Method of sub floor construction required for the Water Cell helps the protection against Termites and also improves subfloor ventilation.
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